File Name: EmuPMX_PCApp_L6_2_10_00.exe
Before you download:
This Driver Package can either fully install Digital Audio System device drivers, or it can update an existing installation. It does not require that you had previously installed software from an original Digital Audio System CD, only that your system meets the minimum hardware requirements
If you are installing this package on a system where you did not previously install Digital Audio System software, you must also install the latest version of Microsoft DirectX, which is available at -
If you already have Digital Audio System software installed on your computer, please take a moment to check the ABOUT BOX in PatchMix DSP (Right-click on the E-MU Logo right above the TV in PatchMix) to see if this update is necessary. If the version numbers below are higher than what you see in the About Box, you should proceed with the update.
Before you install:
If you have experienced a fault in any audio application, you should reboot Windows before applying this update
Application/Driver Installations can be performed in any order
Exit all applications before installing these updates.
After you install:
1616 and 1616M Users: Immediately after installing this upgrade, please be sure to turn the MicroDock off and then back on again, in order for the new firmware to take effect.
Driver Package V2.1 contains the following feature enhancements and fixes:
Windows Vista OS - Fixes a "memory leak" bug in PatchMix in which PatchMix would continue to use, and fail to release system RAM
Fixes a typo in the Insert Send list when using sample rates of 88.2 kHz and higher
Fixes a rare bug on some computer systems where distortion occurs when using WDM at sample rates of 88.2 kHz and above
Windows Driver Signature:
When you install the Digital Audio System drivers, you will see a dialog box informing you either that the driver has not been certified by Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL), or that the driver is signed by Creative Labs, Inc, and you will be asked if you would like to continue with the installation.
The Digital Audio System audio drivers are not certified by WHQL because the product does not support some of the features that the Microsoft Windows Logo Program requires, most notably Universal Audio Architecture (UAA) and Digital Rights Management (DRM).
Despite this, the Digital Audio System audio drivers have been rigorously tested using the same test procedures that a WHQL qualified driver requires, and it passes in all of the other important categories, including those that measure the relative stability of the driver. So, it is perfectly safe to install these drivers on your computer.
Minimum System Requirements:
- Intel® or AMD® processor - 1 GHz or faster
- Intel®, AMD® or 100% compatible motherboard & chipset
- 256 MB System RAM
- 900 MB of free hard disk space for full installation
- XVGA Video (1024 x 768)
- Microsoft® Windows Vista™, Windows® XP (SP 2) or 2000 (SP4)
- Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 or greater
- E-MU® 0404 PCI, 1616 PCI, 1616M PCI, 0404, 1212M, 1616, 1616M, 1820, 1820M Digital Audio System, or Emulator® X, Emulator® X Studio Desktop Sampling System, or Proteus® X Desktop Sound Module.
Revision History:
Driver Package V2.00 contains the following feature enhancements and fixes:
Added Microsoft® Windows Vista™ support
Added support for 1616 PCI, 1616M PCI
Added new Core effects (see PatchMix 2.00 application notes for details)
Fixed bug where Local Control Off (CC 122 OFF) MIDI message was sent to the MIDI port when a MIDI application terminates
Includes changes from V1.82 Release.
Firmware Version# 3.4 (For E-MU 1212M, 1820, 1820M, Emulator® X):
Includes changes from V1.02 Release.
Firmware Version# 4.2 (For E-MU 1616, 1616M):
Includes changes from V1.81 Release
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